He returned to the museum – after the exhibition in Paris at the exhibition The Renaissance et le reve held at the Musée du Luxembourg from October 7, 2013 al January 26, 2014 – The Sleeping Venus by Paris Bordon, one of the most popular masterpieces of the collection Franchetti, now visible back to Ca ‘d’Oro, in the Hall of tapestries which usually accepts it.
- Torna a Ca' d'Oro la Venere di Paris Bordon - Paris Bordon, (Treviso 1500 - Venezia 1571), Venere dormiente con amorino,
tela, Collezione G. Franchetti, cat. d. 39
- Torna a Ca' d'Oro la Venere di Paris Bordon
- Torna a Ca' d'Oro la Venere di Paris Bordon
- Torna a Ca' d'Oro la Venere di Paris Bordon