The project of making palace Ca’ d’Oro a museum gathering his collection, occupied the entire life of Franchetti, but for him, unfortunately or fortunately, it was impossible to see his dream realized; in fact if on one hand he was seized by a serious illness that drove him to suicide, on the other hand this allowed him to be away at the inauguration of the Museum, as he wished. This, even though it may seem otherwise, does not diminish the work and the dedication of the Baron for the completion of the works at Ca’ d’Oro, in fact the bond with the palace was such strong that Franchetti would have wanted that his ashes were placed under the mosaic floor of the atrium, and his desire was almost realized: the remains of his body are now in the porch of Ca ‘d’Oro under a memorial stone porphyry.
The bond between Franchetti and Ca’ d’Oro
The project of making palace Ca’ d’Oro a museum gathering his collection, occupied the entire life of Franchetti, but for him, unfortunately or fortunately, it was impossible to see his dream realized.