Tribute to Virgilio Guidi with a look at the Sonino collection

17 September 2021 – 7 January 2022

Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation San Marco, Palazzo Tito, Giorgio Franchetti Gallery at Ca’ d’Oro

On September 17, 2021 the great exhibition OMAGGIO A VIRGILIO GUIDI con uno sguardo alla collezione Sonino opens, a majestic anthological exhibition in which the entire artistic career of the Maestro, father and inspiration for generations of Venetian artists, will be presented.

The exhibition, included in the official program of Venezia 1600, presents 180 works and makes use of three exhibition venues: Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa in San Marco, Palazzetto Tito in San Barnaba and Galleria Giorgio Franchetti at Ca’ d’Oro.

On the impressive second floor, with a view of the loggia overlooking the Grand Canal, paintings such as La Vecchia (The Old Woman) from 1915, some still lifes, also from 1915, I carabinieri a cavallo (Carabinieri on horseback) from 1920, L’Uomo che legge (Man reading) from 1927 and some Bacini di San Marco (Basins of San Marco), also from the late 1920s, will be exhibited. In dialogue with these masterpieces, other masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance, such as some portraits by Sebastiano del Piombo, Tintoretto and Bonifacio de’ Pitati and two small views by Francesco Guardi, as well as some Flemish still lifes, already present in the permanent collection of the Gallery.

As a whole, the exhibition aims to show how Virgilio Guidi has completely changed the vision of landscape and, in particular, of the landscape view, inventing a perfect and absolute synthesis between the idea of landscape and the idea of Venice itself. And, even more, how he was able to combine in modern painting the Renaissance light with the Venetian light, in turn a synthesis between ideal and physical light.

Curated by Stefano Cecchetto, Giovanni Granzotto, Dino Marangon